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欢迎使用海外收藏的中国近代史珍稀史料文献库 (China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980) 尊敬的馆长、老师、同学: 您好! 我们在此真诚地欢迎您参加这次使用! 进入数据库检索 数据库详细内容目录数据库介绍: 英国著名的学术出版社Adam Matthew Digital成立于1990年,以出版原始手稿、珍稀图书与其他原始资料著称,目前出版项目超过500个,其资源主要来自欧洲、北美、非洲与澳大利亚的图书馆与档案馆,根据学者与研究图书馆的需要提供历史学、人类学与社会科学领域中众多方面的主题。 本数据库向读者提供了在海外收藏的1793-1980年间中国与西方往来的珍稀史料,这些史料清晰,易于理解而又内容丰富,可以充分地运用于中国近代史的研究与教学。同时,对于独立的研究项目来说也十分理想,充分地反映了两个世纪以来,中国不可磨灭的社会与政治变化的方方面面,这些变化从根本上使中国成为一个现代化强国。
Bowra)与包罗(CAV Bowra)到赫德(Robert
Recorder, 1867-1941)与都柏林大学传教团的"Light
and Life, 1935-1970",并可对它们进行完整全面的检索;以及英国国家档案馆馆藏的20世纪70年代与中国关系解冻的最新解密文件,等等。 数据库共收录7.2万幅左右的图片,400幅以上彩色图片与照片以及互动地图等,此外还包括四篇论文与大事年表、书目等。数据库的资料来源于伦敦大学亚非学院,大英图书馆,英国国家档案馆与新西兰国家图书馆。是研究中国近代史不可多得的珍贵资源。 AMD同时还出版有大量的相关主题的出版物。本数据库与AMD其他相关主题的出版物内容基本没有重复。 数据库具有以下特点:
详细介绍: China: Trade,
Politics and Culture, 1793-1980 It is also ideal
for independent projects on almost any aspect of Chinese history during
the two centuries of monumental social and political upheaval that ultimately
recreated China into a modern power. It comprises:
Consultant Editors: Source Libraries:
Nature of the
Material: All of the printed materials (including the typescript records of Chinese Maritime Customs officials) have been double-keyed and are full-text searchable. All of the manuscript material has been indexed to provide ready accessibility for students by person, place and subject. An interactive map encourages searches by city and region. There is no overlap
with material published in 'China and the West: The Maritime Customs Service
Archive: From the Second Historical Archives, Nanjing, China'. Scope of the Collection:
There are key documents
relating to the Chinese Maritime Customs service, from Robert Hart to
Frederick Maze; significant sources describing the lives of missionaries
in China; papers of key individuals such as Thomas Stamford Raffles, Francis
Light, Lord Aberdeen and Rewi Alley; and complete, fully searchable runs
of the Chinese Recorder, 1867-1941, and Light and Life, 1935-1970. In addition, this project offers over 400 colour paintings, maps and drawings by English and Chinese artists, as well as countless photographs, sketches and ephemeral items, depicting Chinese people, places, customs and events, which provide a striking visual accompaniment to the documentary images. 详细目录(China:Trade,Politics and Culture,1793-1980 Contents List)
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